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We develop custom plugins and add-ons which perform as integral and inherent components of Sisense, all to optimise and enhance your end-user experience. ​
Dashboard Card View
Instantly beautify an entire dashboard
Sankey Diagram
A visualisation used to display value flow
Multilevel Treemap
Display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles
Population Pyramid
Present ratios between a binary and other dimension
Chord Dependency Diagram
Show dependency flows between elements
Zoomable Scatter Chart
Scatter and bubble charts at a whole new level
An interactive visualization of textual data
Variable Radius Pie Chart
Display a pie chart with multiple KPIs
Radar Heatmap
Switch your heatmap from radial to flattened view
Pie of Pies
Expands a pie chart into another pie chart
Radial Stacked Bar Chart
Plot the categorized series on a polar coordinate system
Advanced Box and Whisker plot
Display locality, spread and skewness of groups of numerical data
Advanced Waterfall Chart
Use conditional formatting and stacking by another dimension
Radial Line Chart
Zoomable radial line graph (also known as a polar line chart)