DECK.GL Sisense Maps
DECK.GL is a beautified WEBGL-powered framework for visual exploratory data analysis of large datasets. DECK.GL was originally developed by data powerhouse, UBER, to visualize all on-call cars in a major metropolitan area, while monitoring hundreds of millions of moving data points.

This DECK.GL Sisense map plugin enables one to visualize many different goe-location analyses by using various layers according to the requirements, as well as enabling multi-layer approaches for complex projects, usually over 3D surface layer maps.
In addition, DECK.GL can easily integrate with other open-source mapping assets such as and Google Maps, so the possibilities are endless.
All maps can be fully customized according to your specific requirements, from style to design,
depending on your area of investigation, and come in a few different styles:
Dark mode
Light Mode
This plugin can provide a wide range of single individual layers, or a custom selection of specific layer combinations, as detailed below:
1. H3 Hexagon Layer

Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index, grid systems are critical to analyzing large spatial data sets, partitioning areas of the Earth into identifiable grid cells.
H3 Hexagon Layer - UK Road Safety
2. Heatmap Layer

A heatmap is a visualization used to depict the intensity of data at geographical points. When the Heatmap Layer is enabled, a colored overlay will appear on top of the map. By default, areas of higher intensity will be colored red, and areas of lower intensity will appear yellow.
Heatmap Layer – Uber pickups in NYC
3. Polygon Layer

GeoJson is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographic features, along with their non-spatial attributes, though this map enables to also one to display the GeoJson data areas as a 3D view, given the respective mapping. This map is available in both 3D and 2D modes.
Polygon Layer – Vancouver Property Value
4. Arc – Trip Layer

The Arc or Trip layer displays flights or trips done throughout given origins and destinations. In the following example one can combine the Arc layer with the cluster layer to achieve multiple layers in one view. This map is available in both 3D and 2D modes.
More single view layers coming soon!
In addition to the powerful individual layer options one can combine certain layers to achieve an even more robust view of Geo-Location data.
Available layer combinations:
Polygon + Point – breakdown your map to areas by your GeoJson requirements, and add the scatter layer to identify concentrations across the various plots.
Arc + Scatter – Show flights or trips by various criteria, alongside the Point layer to display visits to a certain location. This map is available in both 3D and 2D modes.
Polygon + HeatMap
More Multi-Layer combinations coming soon, reach out to discuss your own custom multi-layer combination!